Saturday, April 12, 2008

Twin Caves

We went on a hike to the Twin Caves when the kids were out of school a couple weeks ago. That is a hike my kids(including Jacob) really like to go on-they love to climb around on the rocks. It is so great that the weather is FINALLY warming up so we can get out and go do fun stuff.


Jamie said...

oh look theres my sweet boy!! his last name should be beers by now lol!!!

The Laris Legacy said...

Hey annette I just found you blog through jamie's loved all the cute pictures. But where were you today for nursery It was so wild!! have a good day


Michele and Wyatt said...

I'm glad your keeping up on this. Your pictures are really cute.

Janice {Run Far} said...

Hey there, Good to see you posting so that I can come spy on you and your cute family every once in a while. Great pictures

The Atwood Family said...

looks like fun send me the emial address that you use for your blog and I will invite you to mine!!!

The Atwood Family said...

That is one of our favirite spots too we live in such a cools place huh?